Saturday, August 2, 2008

Late updates

Wow it's been ages since i updated...nahh it's just a week...hahah

Well haven't been doing much lately..just that yesterday...or day before yesterday cause now its midnight has been really fun but end up kena screwed by parents

Went out to the park after coming straight home from school...and after came home around 9 cause parents called and scolded me

Guess who told them?? Stinking joel...Ish

well today was

Went for the mummy at 1.30 then went for hellboy at 9.30

HAHAH well i won't say it's boring cause basically spent half a day in the cinemas

Haven't got you a present but will do soon...soon!!

Well thats about it...sorry no pictures except these few...ahem ahem

YEA MAN..we played for cf on friday
Although Jun Wei messed up the beats...(well he did) it was still a pretty good worship if you asked me

LOOK LOOK WE WERE we rock (dang sent)

ahhaha i got another one but sadly now can't upload....well thats about it


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